Our Mission Statement
To draw people to Christ, by any means necessary.
To Join Our Virtual Movement Click Below
Our Vision Statement
We feel the church of tomorrow will mirror the movie industry of today as it serves those who feel comfortable returning to theaters as well as those who prefer to use only streaming services. We are a virtual ministry founded on biblical principles. We are here to serve and deliver content with a spirit of excellence with integrity and compassion for our community, our nation, and our world making use of the technology of the day. In everything we do, we will endeavor to reach and love the lost to Christ. To minister and serve them with the utmost level of dignity and respect. And to shepherd those who believe as guided by the Holy Spirit.
Social Media Ministry
Why are we a 100% virtual church.
If 2020 taught us anything, it has taught us that the old way of doing things is over. We have officially entered a new normal. While face to face works for many—for some going to a brick and mortar building is still not something they are comfortable with. For others, being able to attend church on their schedule works best for them. For this reason we are here to provide life changing content and share with you provocative topics you will often not hear in church.

Morning Prayer Call Ministry
Have you ever just wanted someone to pray with you? To possibly start the day with a few words of inspiration? For 7 years we have been doing just that and a few of the recordings are accessible on our site.
If you would like to join us live you can text the word "PRAYER" to 770-653-5671.
The prayer calls are 15 minutes and packed with power!